

My mum spends a large part of her day scrambling eggs

There’s more to Easter Sunday than just painting eggs (though sometimes that’s hard for me to appreciate). We have lots of other things that have evolved over the years to become traditions of their own.

For us, Easter starts a week or two ahead of the actual day, with the massive (megga!) task of putting all the past years’ eggs out on display. This takes most of a day and is very nerve-wracking. The thought of dropping an egg that someone spent hours painting is enough to terrify anyone.

Then comes Good Friday – Hot Cross Bun day. YUM! My dad cooks up batch after batch of sticky buns. These days the total is over a hundred buns and it’s very rare to have any leftovers.

On Easter Sunday there’s the seemingly endless scrambling of eggs (how else are we going to use up all those insides?), the obligatory chocolate Easter egg hunt for the kids, the roast pork dinner in the evening (Mum keeps trying to get out of that but no-one will let her).

My husband, firmly convinced that egg-painting is not for him, makes his own contribution in the form of a hot tomato and capsicum mixture to go with the scrambles. With so many different people turning up to create eggs, he now has to make multiple types – some with bacon, some with chilli, a vegetarian version and a super-spicy version.


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